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Neighbourhood Plan

Draft Elmswell Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

In 2013 Elmswell Parish Council took the decision to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan to cover the whole parish. Since then, the preparation of the Plan has stalled, primarily due to the volume of planning applications for major housing development in the parish that redirected the focus of the Parish Council into responding to the proposals. In 2015 Mid Suffolk District Council announced the commencement of the preparation of a new Joint Local Plan for Babergh and Mid Suffolk. The likely impact of the Joint Local Plan on Elmswell was a further matter that caused some slowing down of the Neighbourhood Plan production.  Consequently, the decision has been taken to limit the content of the Plan to that which would provide a layer of local detail to supplement the higher-level national and local planning policies.

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan

We’ve now reached a major milestone with the consultation on the Draft Plan.  Consultation lasts until Friday 1 July.  It’s your chance to say whether or not you support the content of the Plan or would like to see some changes.  The Plan can be downloaded here 

We’ve also produced a summary leaflet which has been distributed to every household and business along with May’s edition of the Elmswell Newsletter.

We would welcome your comments. These can be submitted online or by completing the form below and returning it as instructed on the form.  Alternatively, you can comment online, which we would prefer if possible.

Online Comments Form

Download Comments Form

Paper copies of the Plan are available to view at the Parish Clerk’s Office, Blackbourne. The Wesley,

Elmswell Library and the Elmswell Tavern. and there are collection boxes for completed comments forms at The Council Office, Blackbourne, the Library, and The Wesley.

Background Studies

Two background studies have been prepared to support the Plan, namely:

The Local Green Spaces Assessment

Appraisal of Views

What next

Following the completion of the consultation, we will review comments received, make any necessary amendments to the Plan and then submit it to Mid Suffolk District Council in order that it can proceed to examination and a parish referendum, hopefully towards the end of the year.